Book Resolutions: How to Keep Yourself on the Reading Track

As a new year unfolds, many of us scribble down a fresh set of resolutions. Among the vows to exercise more, eat healthier, and sleep better, there’s one that book lovers frequently aspire to — ‘Read more books.’ But how often do we actually stick to our ‘to-read’ lists? It’s easy for resolutions, particularly those associated with reading, to crumble under the weight of daily responsibilities and the siren call of digital distractions.

For those yearning to turn over a new leaf and truly commit to their literary goals, this post is your compass and companion. Not only does reading enrich your mental tapestry with every page turned, but it also enhances cognitive function, empathy, and relaxation. So, let’s embark on a journey to keep your book resolutions firmly on track with strategies that work!

Understand Your Why

Start by asking yourself why you want to read more. Are you aiming to expand your knowledge? Escape into new worlds? Connect with other readers? Your motivations will guide your choice of books and help you prioritize reading in your daily schedule. Defining clear, personal reasons will ground your resolution and give you a compelling reminder of why it’s important.

Set Realistic Goals

One of the most common pitfalls in setting resolutions is aiming too high. While ‘Read 100 books this year’ sounds impressive, ask yourself if it’s achievable alongside your other commitments. Break down your goals: if reading 50 books feels daunting, start with a book a month. Making your goals manageable ensures they’re within reach and helps maintain your motivation.

Keep a Reading List

Curate a reading list that excites you. Whether it’s bestsellers, classic literature, or undiscovered indie gems, a thoughtfully compiled list can serve as your roadmap. Tools like Goodreads or a simple spreadsheet can help you keep track of what you want to read, and what you’ve already conquered. Remember to balance out heavy tomes with lighter reads to avoid burnout.

Schedule Regular Reading Times

Consistency is key. Carve out a dedicated reading slot in your daily routine. Whether it’s during your morning coffee, on your commute, or before bedtime, making reading a habitual part of your day solidifies the practice. Guard this time fiercely, as you would any other important appointment.

Create a Reading Environment

Sculpt your ideal reading nook — a quiet corner with comfortable seating, ample light, and perhaps a cozy blanket. A designated space signals to your brain that it’s reading time, helping you transition from the chaos of the day to the calm of the pages before you.

Embrace Variety

If you only read within one genre or topic, it’s easy to become bored. Mix it up! Rotate between fiction and non-fiction, history and fantasy, science and art. Diversity in reading material keeps your mind agile and open to new ideas. Don’t be afraid to venture outside your comfort zone; sometimes the most impactful books are the ones we least expect to resonate with us.

Join a Book Club

There’s strength in numbers. Joining a book club offers accountability, deadlines, and community. Whether it’s a local club or an online group (like ours!), engaging in discussions can deepen your understanding of the book and provide an incentive to keep turning those pages.

Track Your Progress

Consider keeping a reading journal or using an app to note your thoughts on what you’ve read. This not only serves as a memory aid but also as a tangible record of your progress. Looking back at all the books you’ve ticked off your list can be a huge motivator!

Utilize Technology

Incorporate ebooks and audiobooks into your arsenal. E-readers allow you to carry an entire library in your pocket, while audiobooks fit seamlessly into activities like cooking, exercising, or driving when traditional reading isn’t possible.

Reward Yourself

Set milestones and celebrate them. Perhaps after every five books you finish, you treat yourself to a new book or a favorite indulgence. Positive reinforcement can provide an extra push towards goal completion.

Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself

Finally, if you falter in your resolution, don’t brand yourself a failure. Life happens, and the beauty of books is that they’ll wait patiently for you to return. Show yourself the same kindness and pick up where you left off.


In the timeless words of Mason Cooley, “Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.” By infusing your life with the joy of reading, you’re not merely adhering to a resolution; you’re enriching your inner world, one page at a time.

Maintaining your book resolutions isn’t about the number on your ‘read’ list. It’s about the journey — the adventures embarked upon, the characters befriended, the wisdom gleaned, and the places visited through the magic bound within pages. As you navigate the year, let books be the anchors that steady you, the wings that carry you, and the friends that never leave your side.

Happy reading, and may your literary journeys be both profound and plentiful!

3 Key Takeaways From This Post:

  • Find Your Reason: Knowing why reading is important to you will bolster your resolve to make time for it.
  • Consistency Is Crucial: Setting a regular reading time and sticking to it can transform reading from a wishful thought into a habitual practice.
  • Celebrate Every Milestone: From finishing a book to reaching a halfway mark on your yearly goal, every achievement is a step toward sustaining your reading habit.

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